There are three generations of the Mortimer family working together to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached peoples of the Amazon River Basin of Peru. Working from their home base in Iquitos, Peru, the family; John (Fred) and Helena, their son John and his wife Cindy, and their grandson John (Vince) and his wife Megan are true pioneers of the gospel. Using a small fleet of boats they bring the gospel, medical teams, suppplies and equipment to river-based villages deep in the Amazon jungle. Their fleet includes a houseboat they purchased in the upper midwest, guided down the Mississippi, through the Gulf of Mexico, into the Caribbean Sea, along the north coast of South America into the Atlantic, then along the coast to the mouth of the Amazon River, and finally nearly 2300 hundred miles upriver to Iquitos. The fleet also includes a hovercraft, useful for getting back down river when water depths have dropped quickly, and long flat bottomed craft powered by an outboard motor. The Mortimer's physical courage is matched by their spiritual boldness. They have faced headhunters, bandits, shamans, and revolutionaries with the simple message of God's love and grace and have established churches where the name of Jesus had never before been heard. In addition to providing training, help and direction to local national pastors, the Mortimers provide assistance to other missions and ministries, conduct evangelistic outreaches and crusades, and are currently developing a muti-acre site outside Iquitos to become a Bible School and training center.