You can make a difference in the world
as we support local and global missions.
Love for Lozandier
Tim and JoAnn Bauer
After 40+ years of missionary service among the nations God has brought us back to serve where we began our training for missions in 1976 to 1978 - Kona, Hawaii. Here are located the twin Mission Centers of YWAM Ships and YWAM's University of the Nations (UofN), strategically placed in the Pacific between the Americas' and Asia to mobilize, equip and send missionaries.
JoAnn & I continue to serve God's purposes to reach the unreached of the Pacific & Asia from these Mission Centers.
* Tim is serving with YWAM Ships to teach/equip their missionaries and give pastoral care to the ship staff serving the poor & needy in remote coastlands in the Pacific & Asia.
*JoAnn has become part of a Counseling ministry team at the UofN campus. This team teaches and ministers to missionaries in training, who in turn can better minister to others.
The Mortimers
There are three generations of the Mortimer family working together to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached peoples of the Amazon River Basin of Peru. Working from their home base in Iquitos, Peru, the family; John (Fred) and Helena, their son John and his wife Cindy, and their grandson John (Vince) and his wife Megan are true pioneers of the gospel. Using a small fleet of boats they bring the gospel, medical teams, suppplies and equipment to river-based villages deep in the Amazon jungle.
Ghiorghi Cazacu
Mission BIble Training Center
Pregnancy Help Center
Salvation Army
Compassion Connection